Your direct legal support

We are an independent employment and contract law firm in Zurich - since 2012. 

First steps

  1. We are able to answer simple, straightforward questions by email.
  2. For all other issues we will arrange a personal meeting as soon as possible.
  3. In some cases, a meeting may help you. In all other cases we will proceed step by step.
  4. A mandate is only considered to have been concluded once you have agreed to our terms and conditions and you have paid the appropriate retainer fee in line with the industry standards. You are therefore free to contact us without any obligation


Why a lawyer? 

Legal success depends heavily on a proactive start and onging support by an attorney/lawyer who is also experienced  in negotiation and litigation. Otherwise, legal deadlines may be missed, irrevocable mistakes may be made or the problem may remain unsolved. We therefore recommend that you contact us at a very early stage.  

We do not promise "quick and easy" fixed fee solutions as we do not consider this to be realistic or serious. We only offer flat rates in certain areas, such as reviewing a contract or a reference letter. Please scroll down to also read about our qualifications. 

What is a lawyer / Attorney at Law in Switzerland?

T. Villiger is an Attorney at Law and a Certified Specialist SBA Labour Law. This qualification requires approximately 9-10 years of education, legal practice and further training. 

In Switzerland, the professional titles "Anwalt" or "Rechsanwalt" are legally protected and require a Swiss university degree as well as additional training as an attorney at law. These titles correspond to the English term "Attorney at Law" and allow the holder to represent parties in court. 

Also protected is the title "Fachanwalt SAV Arbeitsrecht", which is awarded by the Swiss Bar Association to lawyers who have gained additional years of professional experience and passed additional examinations in labour law. 

However, designations such as "Jurist", "Rechtsberater", "Rechtsvertreter" or "Rechtskonsulent" are not protected at all and only designate persons who provide legal services, similar to the terms "Legal Counsel" and "Lawyer".

What are our legal fees / costs?

Our services are charged on an hourly basis and all administrative services are included. We inform our clients in advance of the likelihood of success and the approximate costs involved, so that the client can make a cost-benefit analysis. In general, legal fees are highly dependent on the give and take of both parties and, in the case of litigation, on the amount in dispute

For certain matters, such as reviewing a contract or a reference letter,  a flat fee may be considered.

Due to our independence, no additional fees are charged by online lawyer platforms (these can be > 10%) and we therefore act in accordance with the rules of the Swiss Bar Association (more information). 

We normally do not consult individuals with domicile outside Switzerland.